Noah Moonbrooke

Server: Crystal World: Coeurl

"You're a beast stealing scraps, You don't deserve charity."
-Vaelin Shreld

Born on the streets of Ul'dah, Trained with the Spear in Gridania.
Bonded with the Void in Ishgard.

Noah Moonbrooke


  • Sexuality: Bi (female leaning)

  • Age: 24

  • Birthday: 3rd sun of the 4th astral moon

  • Main occupation: Monster hunter and Mercenary

  • Side occupation: Novice crafter

  • Relationship: Taken

  • Physical Traits: Silver eyes, Light blue skin with dark blue horns and scales. Pure white hair. Body and scales covered in scars from battles.

  • Personality: Tomboyish, brash and bubbly. Protective of the people she likes and slightly dense. Loves to flirt and has a weakness for Au’ra and a certain Mi'qote. Stemming from her rough upbringing, her bottled anger causes her to be savage and primal in a fight, reckless acting on pure instinct, Often risking injury if it could put her in a better position to take down her enemy. Thinks her scars make her unattractive.

  • Loves: Drink, Raisins, Flirting, Bad jokes, overcoming tough opponents, fighting

  • Dislikes: Dresses, Manipulative people, Failing or not reaching her own expectations

  • Hobbies: Lounging at the guild, Learning to craft, Botany

Noah Moonbrooke


Grew up on the streets of ul'dah needing to steal and scavenge to survive,
One day scavenging for food Noah cased the house of a well off Merchant family, Breaking in through the window. Met with a young Raen girl, who would share food with her.
Visits became more frequent until from the ages of 13 to 15 Noah would go pretty much every day. The Raen girl would feed, and craft presents for her. Including the Horn rings she wears even now while Noah would share stories of stealing and hunting animals.

Leaving at 15 to go to gridania after learning of openings at the Lancers guild she packed all her things and left for the forest adamant on no longer being a burden. It took time but she learnt the ways of the lance and started to get regular merc work.
After helping in the battle on the steps of faith at the age of 19, She took up residence in Ishgard for a while, Finding her new weapon of choice, and using the power of Void allowing her to continue her work eventually rising in the ranks as a Monster hunter.

At the age of 21. Two years after Noah was assigned to act as a guard for a treasure hunting group, She arrives in her full armor and sees a beautiful young Raen woman, Flanked by a couple of other people she didn’t get the details of.
“Don’t I know you?” She asked Noah.
Noah knew exactly who this was, but denied it when asked.
They all delved into a dig site in Coethas getting attacked by a drake. Noah Jumps into the way of a strike meant for Araeya, and is pinned to the ground, Sword shattered and helmet splintered and cracked.
Noah managed to stab it to death with the broken parts left and lays there, Injured and unable to hide her identity any longer.
Araeya rushed over to heal her up, and gave her a big kiss, Finally being reunited after searching for so long.

After this incident, Noah requested her superior for a change in duty, becoming a town guard to try and avoid further interaction, not that it worked. After a few weeks of failed avoidance, Noah while on duty was presented with a ring.
“What is this for? I’m no longer a child, I can support myself. I don’t need handouts.”
"It's not a handout, Noah. It means that I love you, and I want to be by your side. Please take it, and promise that you'll always come back to me."
“I uh.. Thanks.” She smiled, Gazing at it for a while, before placing it in her pocket.
She now wears it on a chain around her neck for good luck and comes home safe to her loving girlfriend.